Shotgun-Insight pattern analysis . . .

Free to use online version . . .

How it works.

The free to use version is an Applet that runs like other web browser add-ins. For it to run Java must be installed. The first steps below are to ensure the correct version of Java is present. 

Steps for using the online version . . . .

Configure your browser and computer.

When the programme is launched a built in security request will appear. Select "Yes" or "Always". This is needed to allow the programme access to your computer to load and save data.

Launch programme.
Open help file.

Start the download in a new browser window.

The help file opens in a new browser window.

Save sample target to your hard disk: exampleExpress24g (use right click "save as")

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Help! Possible problems once running

Required hardware for the standalone version.

PC running Windows98 or Windows XP family (XP-home, XP-pro, Win 2000). 

256MB RAM minimum, 512MB preferred.

Display resolution 1280 x 1024 preferred.

Processor speed: Depends on the size/resolution of the image being processed and complexity of the image being analysed.   

Software issues.

Version 1.0 Initial public release!

Version 1.1 Reduces likelihood of software freeze after extended use of a few hours. Allows more files to be open simultaneously.

Version 1.1.2 Improved drawing speed. Open window navigation added to the main menu bar.

Version 1.1.3 Windows98 printing improved.

Version 1.1.4 Accelerator keys added.


(c) Dr A C Jones